For lovers of all things HOT and all things FUNNY

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Wednesday April 12
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RADIO NEWS.........
This just in: Robbers stole a truckload of viagra. Police are on the lookout for a couple of hardened criminals.
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What a Woman Wants:

Young Womans List:
-Financially successful
-In good shape
-Stylish dresser
-Shares my interests
-Full of thoughtful little surprises
-Is an imaginative, romantic lover

Same List Ten Years Later:

-Not too ugly
-Doesn't belch or scratch in public
-Works steadily
-Doesn't nod off while I'm talking
-Usually remembers the punch lines of jokes
-Is fit enough to rearrange the furniture
-Usually wears matching socks
-Knows not to buy champagne with screw top lids
-Remembers to put the toilet seat down (sometimes)
-Shaves on weekends
Okay, I'm just about to get my second wind. So, try to keep up and don't slow down now. And remember to keep it funny, hot & spicy!
Pittsburgh Pepperhead