For lovers of all things HOT and all things FUNNY

Friday, March 24, 2006

5 Days of Work in a Row Makes One Weak!

It's been a long week, but all things--good AND bad--must come to an end. This week is no exception! I'm ready to kick back, relax, do a little cooking, a little blogging and a little lovin' (not necessarily in that order)!! After checking my email, I'll be bloggin' to ya!!
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For today's bit of lefthander lore click below:
Lefthander Lore
For today's Redneck Reality Check, click below:
Redneck Reality
For today's stupidest thing ever said, click below:
Stupidest Things
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Okay, we made it to the weekend! Now go out there and stir up some Scoville units, just for fun!
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